Rubia cordifolia

English: Indian Madder

Sanskrit/Indian: Manjishtha

Russian: Марена сердцелистная

Rubia cordifolia

General information:

Indian Madder is beneficial in treating skin conditions like uneven pigmentation and eczema. The roots, leaves and seeds of the herb are beneficial for amenorrhea, liver diseases and gall bladder and spleen ailments.
The climbing rugose vine with reddish roots is found in the Himalayas and in hill stations across India.


The key components of Indian Madder include purpurin (trihydroxy anthraquinone), munjistin (xanthopurpurin-2-carboxylic acid), peudopurpurin (purpurin-3-carboxylic acid) and free alizarin as well as its glucoside. These compounds impart antibacterial, expectorant and diuretic properties to the herb.


  • As an effective blood detoxifier, Indian Madder treats skin disorders like hyperpigmentation, scabies, acne and allergies.
  • The herb is also known to maintain overall health and is beneficial in the treatment of liver diseases, gall stones and amenorrhea.